As schools,university's and many workplaces have closed, learning and work is now taking place at home.Whilst the convenience of snacks etc. is appealing, working from home can be extremely distracting. Moreover, there is no teacher standing in front of you pressuring you to do work!
There is free-reign to structure and spend the day as you wish, which can often can lead to low motivation and productivity.
Tips for learning from home:
- Setting up an area dedicated to work or studying, this can help to separate school from leisure activities.
- Remove distractions and make a clear area to work e.g. remove Phone, rubbish, other work/books etc.
- Take breaks- try not to spend hours and hours hunched over a screen
- Try to build a routine
- Make a list of things to do to stay focused
Whilst it is important to continue to engage in schoolwork etc. to keep on top of things try not to get too hung up over how much work you are doing. Don't put too much pressure on yourself to be productive and do loads every single day.
Wise words Annabelle! Now all people need to do is follow the advice!