Here are some optimistic news stories from the past few weeks:
- In Venice the lock-down has caused a significant decline in pollution which has cleared the waterways and canals and made its aquatic life visible. Jellyfish and even dolphins have been spotted!
- Similarly, pollution levels have fallen.Whilst maybe not so visually noticeable air pollution(nitrogen dioxide readings) have reduced on many major roads including Vaughan way whose pollution level has halved since lock down began.
-In Australia dogs are being used in the recovery efforts after the devastating bush fires to seek out injured/ill koalas who's habitat can no longer support them.One dog alone has rescued over 100 koalas since January!
-In Germany IKEA opened on of there car parks so Eid prayer to mark the end of Ramadan could take place whilst still social distancing.
-Costa Rica passed its same-sex law on May 26 and is the first country in Central America to recognise same sex marriage.The first same sex marriage in Costa Rica was broadcast on television.
-I have found these videos which may interest you by Dalai Lama
and Pope Francis which offer a thought provoking and alternative look on the Coronavirus pandemic.
Stay positive
-Annabelle ☺️
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