Thursday, 21 May 2020

A Small Selection of Girlguiding Symbols of Movement

Or, as they’re more formally called, the symbols of WAGGGS (World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, for anyone wondering) and the Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting Movement. 

I’m going to take you through only a few of my favourite ones, so enjoy! 

Before we get started, it should be noted that these were introduced by Lord Robert Baden-Powell himself and have been adapted over the years in order to stay relevant. He is pictured below:

World Trefoil

Let’s start with the Trefoil as seen on the World Badge. It’s classed as a unifying symbol of WAGGGS.

As you might already know, each part of the design of it has meaning:

·        Golden Trefoil on a blue background – represents the sun shining over the children of the globe

·        Three leaves – represent the three-fold Promise

·        Stalk base – represents the flame of the love of humanity

·        Upward pointing vein through the Trefoil – represents a compass needle pointing the way

·        Two stars – represent the Promise and the Law

The Motto

Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting have a motto – “Be Prepared.” which serves as a reminder of the education purposes the two can offer. You may also notice that the motto shares the same initials as ‘Baden-Powell’, our founder!

The Left Handshake

While Lord Baden-Powell was in West Africa, he heard a legend that inspired him to create the Left Handshake as a way to recognise other members of the Movement.

“Two hostile, neighbouring communities decided to try to live together in peace, and so they flung down their shields, which were carried on the left arm, and advanced, unprotected, to greet each other with their left hands extended in trust and friendship.”

The Left Handshake is still widely used today among Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. 

Good Turn

As a way to symbolise the service given by all members of the Movement, younger girls think of ways they can do a good turn on the daily, and older girls tend to take this idea further into service projects at local, national, and sometimes international levels. 

Good turns are exactly what we need right now!

So, there we have a few of my favourite Symbols of Movement. I hope you enjoyed it!

Go and check out the other posts from our girls!

-Grace 😊

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